8% pst 5% gst 2% regional Taxes not included Summer Season: Check in after 3:30 out before 11 am July and August 7 night minimum 2 Adults $2000 per week. Sat. to Sat. weekly rentals only Request rate for extra people in second bedroom unit #209 with private entry balcony, bathroom TV, etc. Housekeeping $150 Booked directly with owner i i [email protected] |
8% pst 5% gst 2% regional Taxes not included Fringe Season: Check in after 3:30 out before 11 am April, May June and Sept.to after Thanksgiving in October 2 night minimum 2 Adults $200 per night $1300 per week. Request rate for extra people in second bedroom unit #209 with private entry balcony, bathroom TV, etc. Housekeeping $150 Booked directly with owner [email protected] |
8% pst 5% gst 2% regional Taxes not included Winter Season: Check in after 3:30 out before 11 am After Thanksgiving in October to March 31 2 night minimum 2 Adults *$150 per night $950 per week. monthly on request Request rate for extra people in second bedroom unit #209 with private entry balcony, bathroom TV, etc. Housekeeping $150 Booked directly with owner [email protected] |